Who am i?

I am a tenacious nerd. At 11, I jumped into my first rabbit hole -- music -- with the explicit intention of becoming the best guitarist in the world [unrealistic goal, I know...]. At 15 I went down my second rabbit hole -- epistemology -- immersing myself in Wittgenstein's 1921 'Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus,' with the naive intention to understand how the world works.

Since then, I've come to terms that I am a mere mortal, with limited time, limited cognition, but with an unlimited urge to learn more. Before entering university, my heroes were generalists, like da Vinci, Cantor, Hilbert, Gödel, Aristotle, Dennett, Wittgenstein. I wanted to pursue an education that mirrored those of my heroes. During my bachelor's degree at UBC, I studied psychology, neuroscience, computer science, philosophy, logic, linguistics, and foundational mathematics -- intending to understand more about the world.

During my education, I was exposed to the intersection between technology and human behaviour, which prompted me to pay attention to the workings of human-machine interaction. Suddenly, my heroes were Don Norman, David Krakauer, and Frank Stephenson. From this point on, UX design became my focus.