Sentential logic, boolean operators & truth tables


Never mind the basics, here’s the syntax

Now that we have the very basics out of the way, we are ready to dive into the details of symbolic logic. In particular, the logic we’re going to look at is called sentential logic. You got a preview of the type of logic that was in Part One, but you were never equipped with the tools for how to evaluate such arguments. Remember when I said that logic concerns itself with form, and that form is governed by formal rules? This is where we’re headed. Ooooo yiss.


Cast of Characters


Sentential Logic

Also known as propositional calculus, if you want to sound smart. This is because the most atomic unit of this system is the complete sentence, such as “Becky is asleep,” “Snow is white,” etc. The words proposition and sentence will be used interchangeably here. We will stick to declarative sentences, i.e. sentences that are either true or false. So, we’re not going to deal with questions or imperatives (these are a bit more complicated, and require their own branch of logic to be evaluated). 

But there’s not a lot of fun to be had with just atomic propositions like the ones above; the real fun comes from compound/complex sentences, which are simply atomic propositions connected together by way of Boolean operators (e.g. ‘and,’ ‘not’). We can use the two propositions above to create a compound proposition: “Becky is asleep and snow is white.” So, a compound proposition consists of two or more stand-alone (atomic) propositions. Because the syntax of a natural language like English is a lot richer than our propositional logic (and in effect more redundant), there will be some surface differences between an English proposition and how it is symbolized in logic. You can think of natural language as a more compressed version of logical languages. Consider the English sentence “Becky and Daniel like trees”. That seems like a pretty concise sentence. But, because of the presence of the word ‘and’ (a boolean operator), it is actually a compound sentence. When decompressed into our logic, it consists of two sentences, i.e. “Becky likes trees,” AND “Daniel likes trees”. 

A Note on Convention

It can seem cumbersome to write out full English sentences, so we will use the following convention: we will symbolize each atomic proposition by a single letter. So “Becky likes trees” just becomes B, and “Daniel likes trees” becomes D. Capital letters will be used for specific instances of propositions and arguments (like the ones we’ve gone through so far). When we’re going more abstract, talking about argument form, we will use lower case letters (variables). The prevailing convention for symbolizing form is to use sequentially p, q, r, s, w, x, y, z. If that’s not enough, add whatever symbols you want. On my phone, there’s a hot dog emoji that I particularly enjoy: in it, the sausage is seen sleeping in its bun. You may use that. It’s fine. In fact, the last decade saw significant progress in the creation of sausage-based logics (see Wiener et al., 2012).


Boolean operators: Intro


Boolean operators are the glue that allows for atomic propositions to become compound propositions. They are called operators because they operate on a sentence; they’re called Boolean because they make the proposition either true or false (named after mathematician George Boole, a friend of the series). English has a wide array of operators, but in our logic(s), we’re only going to deal with 5 operators. These are:

The parentheses aside each operator indicates where a proposition goes. The operators are 2-place (they need a proposition on either side), except for negation (1-place)

The parentheses aside each operator indicates where a proposition goes. The operators are 2-place (they need a proposition on either side), except for negation (1-place)


Examples Translating English to logic

To get more acquainted with the operators, let’s try translating some English sentences into our logic. We will enlist some help from our friend, Becky. Remember: because these sentences are instances, we will simply denote each atomic proposition with a capital letter. Here’s a key for each of the atomic propositions we will use:


G = Becky enjoys walking barefoot on glass

T = Becky thinks that referencing The Office on her Tinder profile reflects that she has a sense of humour

O = Oscar swipes right

F = Becky enjoys driving a forklift

H = Becky has a great sense of humour


Okay, now let’s construct some English language sentences from these and then translate these to logic.


Note how the English word ‘but’ is treated as a conjunction in logic. I’m hoping that you’re getting a feel for how the very many natural language operators can be compressed into a small number of Boolean operators. (3) and (5) are especially interesting here:

In (3) the word ‘neither’ essentially means not AND not q. But that can also be written as a disjunction of or q wrapped inside a negation. This equivalence is a general rule called DeMorgan’s Law. We will revisit DeMorgan’s law once we get into constructing proofs.

(5) is meant to pump your intuitions about how you can write equivalent propositions in different ways and how you can define operators in terms of each other. The first expression (with the two conditionals in either direction) more accurately reflects how the English sentence is written. But it also goes to show exactly how a bidirectional statement works: ‘if and only if’ can be defined as a conjunction between two mirror images of the same conditional statement. 

But we still haven’t talked about how these operators work. To evaluate the truth and validity of arguments, we need to know how these 5 operators determine the truth/falsehood of whatever propositions they’re operating on. Prepare to look at some IKEA-grade tables of truth.

truth table.png

Truth tables: how the Boolean operators actually work

The Boolean operators are said to be truth-functional. What this means is that the truth value of the (compound) proposition they form can be worked out merely via the truth values of the atomic propositions they connect. There is a set of rules governing whether an operator is true or false based on which (and whether) the atomic components are true and/or false. For instance, a disjunction [p or q] requires only one of the components (p, q) to be true for the whole thing to be true. In a conjunction [p and q], both p and q must be true for the resultant compound proposition to be true.

In our bivalent logic, we have only two possible values for each component - true or false. We assume that, regardless of the Boolean operators working on them, these two individual components’ truth values are independent of one another. This gives us 2n possible cases of any given compound proposition, where n is the number of variables. If you only have a proposition consisting of one variable, you'll have 2 possible outcomes; if you have 2 variables then you will have 4 outcomes; if you have 3 then 8, and so on. Notice that for any 2-place operator (which is all of them except negation) the minimum number of possible cases will be 22 = 4. And for our only 1-place operator (negation), the minimum (and maximum) possible cases will be 21 = 2. Given these assumptions, we can construct so-called truth tables. These will elucidate the rules of the Boolean operators.

table negation.png

Truth table: Negation

This one’s the easiest. Whatever value p has, not-p has the opposite value.

Negation is basically that kid at kindergarten who declares to you that “it’s Opposite Day,” and proceeds to say the opposite of everything you say. Or at least they try to: sometimes, when given compound propositions, 5-year olds can’t figure out the scope of the negation (those losers don’t even know how brackets work, let alone Russellian definite descriptions). Don’t believe me? First, tell a 5-year old that France doesn’t have a king. Then tell them it’s Opposite Day and say “The king of France is bald.” Then enjoy the surge of power you feel from decimating that kid. You’re a golden god.

conjuction table 2x.png

Truth Table: Conjunction

Basically, a conjunction is only true if both of the variables it’s operating on are true. Otherwise, it’s false.

I should note that it’s definitely possible to “daisy chain” a bunch of operators. This goes for any operator, not just conjunction. But that doesn’t change the fact that 2-place operators only take 2 variables and 1-place operators only take one variable. A chain e.g. “p and q and r” needs to be separated by brackets such that each operator in the expression deals with the appropriate amount of variables, e.g. “(p and q) and r”; or “p and (q and r).”

Disjunction table2x.png

Truth Table: Disjunction

Basically, a disjunction is false only if both of the variables it’s operating on are false. Otherwise it’s true. Notice how it’s like a mirror image of conjunction?

Disjunction is like that friend who just does whatever you say. Your friend might annoy you by their complacency sometimes, but if you’re a Machiavellian fella, then you realize you can use your friend to prove things for yourself. Nice. More to come on that in the Inference Rules & Proofs section of the tutorial.


Truth Table: Conditional

This one deserves a little bit more terminology. We can divide variables into two sections: the ones that come before the main operator (“main,” meaning that there might be a complex, bracketed proposition with its own operators before that operator), and the ones that come after the main operator. The variables that come before the main operator are called the antecedent and the ones after are called the consequent (remember Daniel’s logical fallacy from Part One?). 

A summary of the table can be stated as: a conditional statement is true in all cases except where the antecedent is true and the consequent is false. And, whenever the consequent is true, the conditional is true. If you think about it, it’s kind of a mini-version of valid vs. invalid arguments (where an argument with all true premises and a false conclusion are invalid).

Biconditional table2x.png

Truth Table: Biconditional

A biconditional is true as long as truth values of the antecedent and the consequent are the same. In other words, if p and q are both either true or false, then the biconditional is true. Otherwise, it’s false.


Part Two Wrap-Up

What we have learned so far

In this section of the tutorial we have learned that sentential logic regards sentences as the most basic component. Sentences can be bound together to yield more complex sentences via Boolean operators. We’ve looked at some writing conventions: atomic sentences (instances) are denoted with capital letters, and variables (form) are denoted with lower case letters starting from p, q, r, etc. We learned that the 5 Boolean operators are the means by which we connect simple, atomic propositions into compound ones. Finally, we learned the rules of the Boolean operators, to be able to evaluate more compound propositions and (eventually) arguments.

Where we are going next

In this part, we’ve only looked at individual (compound) propositions. Next, we’re going to look at evaluating whole arguments. This means delving into proof methods. For Part Three, we’re going to start proving arguments using a familiar method - truth tables! I don’t want to spend too much time on this part, because using truth tables to prove arguments is very mechanical and gets really cumbersome once things get more complex. This has to do with the exponential nature of possible truth cases - 2n: evaluating a compound sentence with just 4 variables will require 16 rows! It sucks. BUT, it does help with internalizing the truth tables for the operators. Eventually, I will HIGHLY SUGGEST you memorize these. Otherwise, things are going to get difficult rather quickly. Best to get it out of the way quickly. In later parts of this tutorial series, I will be making a lot of assumptions based on what I've already written. Once we get into more advanced concepts, I'll do my best to link back to concepts in previous tutorials. But for now, let's crack on!